Centre for Global Jewish Studies

Centre Interim Director: Dr Anca Cretu
Centre Co-ordinator: Keri Husband (e-mail: keri.husband@warwick.ac.uk)
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The CGJS welcomes all academic, research, teaching, and professional services staff and undergraduate and postgraduate students in the University with an interest in the field of Global Jewish Studies.
We seek to establish a unique institutional place within the United Kingdom for the study and dialogue on the diversity of Jewish experience, heritage, and culture. We want to explore research on the past, presents, and futures of the Jewish communities, which includes but is not limited to religious practice, bringing together academic and professional staff, postgraduates and undergraduates, and the wider public.
In the first phase we will look to develop four main themes:
- the diversity of global Jewish communities;
- the historic invisibility of British Judaism within the United Kingdom;
- the revival of Yiddish culture; and
- new research on the Shoah (Holocaust) and its widespread effects
Tue, 11 Feb 2025, 4pm
Talk by Will Jones (Warwick University), 'Visualizing Vulnerability: Exploring Male Experiences of Sexual(ized) Violence in the Concentration Camps.'
Venue: FAB 3.30 and Teams (Hybrid)
Thu, 6 Mar 2025, 4pm
Lecture by Dr Noëmie Duhaut (University of Southampton), 'Adolphe Crémieux and the blind spots of French universalism.'
Venue: Oculus, OC1.09 and on Teams (Hybrid)
Wed, 30 April 2025, 4:15pm
Talk by Bryan Cheyette (University of Reading), "Decolonizing testimony: Frederick Douglass and Primo Levi"
Venue: Oculus, OC1.03